Vol. 125 No. 1353 |

Heart Foundation: Clinical Cardiology Fellowship in Inherited Heart Disease

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An opportunity for trainees in either cardiology or paediatric cardiology to specialise in all aspects of inherited heart disease investigation and management. Based in Auckland City, Starship and Greenlane hospitals, there will be clinical supervision from adult and paediatric cardiology as well as clinical and molecular genetics. Specific exposure will be given to cardiac genetic clinics and the investigation of sudden unexpected death in the young. Research in this area will be actively encouraged and supported with appropriate time allocation for this. Continued exposure and training in other relevant cardiology areas will be arranged according to the trainee's preference (eg arrhythmia, imaging).Senior clinical supervisor will be Associate Professor Jonathan Skinner. Secondary supervisor will depend on desired subspecialty area in cardiology or paediatric cardiology.This Fellowship will be tenable for 2 years.An application form for a Fellowship is available on our website www.heartfoundation.org.nz or fromHelen Stewart Heart Foundation PO Box 17160 Greenlane AUCKLAND 1546Ph: (09) 571 9191 Fax: (09) 571 9190 Email: HelenS@heartfoundation.org.nzApplications close 1 June 2012

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