Vol. 125 No. 1354 |

Submitting articles to the New Zealand Medical Journal via Manuscript Manager

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Many people who read and write for the Journal will remember the days when one posted off 5 to 8 copies of one's manuscript to the editor of a journal, and waited to receive an acknowledgement that the article had been received. Then sit and wait many months for the editor's decision while the copies were posted out to reviewers and the subsequent editorial decisions made.In those days, researchers often had to book time at the university computer to get their results analysed and spend their time waiting punching out data cards. It doesn't seem that long ago when in 1982 the first computer arrived in the department I was researching in. It was an Apple and it was in the days when floppy disks were floppy. It had been ordered by the Professor at the time, however after it arrived it remained packed for 2 months as no-one really felt they needed it. I unpacked it to see if I could write my thesis on it, unfortunately it turned out easier to pay someone to type it.In the last 30 years the advent of computers and the Internet have led to changes associated with journal publishing that seem incredible. In mid-2002 the NZMJ was one of the earlier journals to change to an electronic format. At the time many thought that the Journal might disappear. It hasn't and continues to attract excellent submissions relevant to the New Zealand healthcare environment. At the time the Journal went electronic there was little in the way of software support for electronic journals, however over the last 10 years these have developed, albeit until recently financially outside the reach of a small journal like the NZMJ.The NZMJ is finally in a position to be able to acquire such software. We have spent many months accessing and evaluating the available products and finally have settled on Manuscript Manager (by Ektimo ApS in Denmark) which is we feel the best available software system for our budget.From today, submissions (unsolicited editorials, original research, reviews, viewpoints, clinical correspondence [case reports and medical images], and letters to the editor) should be submitted via the Manuscript Manager website. This is a very similar process most other journals (both print and electronic) are now following.Obituaries and book reviews as well as approved notices and meeting proceedings can still be sent to nzmj@cdhb.govt.nzArticles already under review will be processed through to decision as before, but from 11 May 2012 please submit all articles to www.manuscriptmanager.com/nzmj. Online submission consists of 5 steps: Step 1: Log in or create a new user account (by inserting a unique email address and password) and enter personal details. Step 2: Enter the manuscript details, title, authors, abstract and other necessary material. Step 3: Upload manuscript file(s). Step 4: Enter covering letter to the Editor and response to reviewers if resubmitting. Step 5: Check submission details and send. Past and prospective reviewers will be sent an email inviting them to log on and add their fields of expertise and amend contact details if necessary.With any new technology or system there will be a period required for adjustment but we trust submitting via Manuscript Manager will become advantageous for authors, reviewers, and editorial staff.


Frank A Frizelle, Editor-in-Chief, New Zealand Medical Journal, Christchurch


Professor Frank Frizelle, NZMJ, Dpt of Surgery, 2F Parkside, Christchurch Hospital, PO Box 4345, Christchurch, New Zealand.

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Competing interests

None declared.