Vol. 133 No. 1510 |

Fracture of both Patellae

The following cage of fracture of both patellae, almost simultaneously, by muscular violence, is somewhat unusual.

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New Zealand soldiers playing rugby, Fontaine. Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association :New Zealand official negatives, World War 1914-1918. Ref: 1/2-013634-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22732805

February 1920

The following cage of fracture of both patellae, almost simultaneously, by muscular violence, is somewhat unusual:—

A.B., aged 28 years, solicitor, admitted 7th June, 1918. On this date he was running at football and felt his left knee crack. He experienced a sensation as if the joint were getting stiff, and was considering going off the field. Just at this moment the ball came his way. He took it and began to run, collapsing immediately in a heap, as he felt his right knee give way.

On examination, right knee showed fracture of patella and considerable separation of the fragments, with the usual effusion of blood. Left knee, contour normal, but some pain in patella. No deformity could be felt on the left side.

The skiagrams showed fractures of both patellae. Right patella wired on 13th June. The left was treated on a splint with the knee extended. Recovery uneventful, patient walking well in five weeks from his accident.

My best thanks are due to Mr. S.H. Pryor for the excellent plates and photographs of the condition.